The holidays are a time of year where we’re surrounded by delicious food and family. It’s hard to resist the temptation to indulge in foods that aren’t as healthy for us, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up on your diet completely. There are many healthy options during the holiday season, but it can be hard to resist the food that is around you. This is a time of year when we end up eating more than we should.
The key thing with eating healthy is being mindful of what you are eating and making sure that you are choosing foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.
- Eat small portions at every meal. It might seem like you’re saving calories by skipping breakfast or lunch, but if you compensate for this with large evening meals, you’ll be consuming the same number of calories as before.
- Balance your plate with healthy foods such as vegetables and whole grains rather than just focusing on high-calorie foods like meats and desserts that can lead to overeating.
- Avoid grazing throughout the day. Make sure not to skip meals or go more than four hours without eating anything. Drink lots of water so it helps fill you up so you won’t feel as hungry all the time.
- Don’t deprive yourself! Indulge in some favorite holiday snacks or meals. Many people believe that if they deprive themselves of food, then the pounds will just fall off. This is not true at all! Eating less can actually cause your metabolism to slow down and it can be hard to curb cravings sabotaging your efforts to improve your nutrition and weight.
With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how you can maintain your healthy diet during this festive period. It may be difficult at first but with some planning and preparation, there are many ways for you to stay on track with your eating habits even when surrounded by temptations.
Remember that not everything has to be unhealthy and that there is no such thing as “bad” food. You just need to know when and where these foods should only be consumed!